Our Staff

Karen K

Karen K

Events Specialist

(314) 621-6507 x305 | kklaus@havenofgracestl.org

Karen began her fundraising career as Director of Development for a nutrition services agency. With healthy food being a priority in her own life, helping to feed others became a strong foundation in her fundraising career.   Other passions Karen advocates for are the arts and women-related causes. Through fundraising, Karen is blessed to put her creative and entrepreneurial skills to use helping women succeed at The Haven of Grace.

Karen served on the Board of the Association of Fundraising Professionals-St. Louis Chapter and is a graduate of Coro’s Women in Leadership program.

She is the proud mother of singer/songwriter Devon Cahill.

My Perfect Dinner Party Would Be:
* Audrey Hepburn – She had such lovely style and did wonderful charity work through UNICEF
* Sir Bob Geldoff and Midge Ure – together, they started BandAid
*Paul Newman – created Newman’s Own food line, whose proceeds benefit charities
* Josephine Baker – part of the French Resistance and ahead of her time in breaking down racial barriers

Cats or Dogs?
I am a collie girl!  Their traits are amazing – gentle, loyal, intelligent, protective, and beautiful!  I’m also partial to deer, squirrels, horses, swans and peacocks.

Best Meal I’ve Had:
My #1 favorite meal is breakfast! I wake up hungry and try to eat as nutritiously as possible.  I was an avocado toast girl before it was even a thing!

How Haven families inspire me:
I see moms eager to better themselves for their babies…moms who want to succeed independently and give themselves and their children the best life possible. Isn’t that what all moms want?

If I could give all Haven moms one thing, it would be:
Hope that they can and will succeed – for themselves and their little ones.