Moms Complete CPR Certification

The Haven’s moms recently took an important step in ensuring the safety of their young children – they have all successfully completed a Pediatric CPR/First Aid certification!  

As an education-based program, The Haven of Grace believes that knowledge is power.  We have developed a robust curriculum of in-house classes that provide our moms with the chance to build skills and, more importantly, the confidence to care for their family’s long term emotional, mental and physical health in positive ways. We offer moms in our Shelter program classes covering a range topics such as:

  • Parenting skills
  • Personal health
  • Childhood literacy
  • Cooking healthy meals
  • Emotional coping strategies
  • Financial education
  • Household management

The recent CPR/First Aid certification is an important part of this program.  Moms had the chance to learn techniques that would help them stay calm and take care of their children in any number of scary situations.  This is one of many skills that allows them the freedom to live independently, knowing that they can deal with any crisis that may arise.

Want to know how you can support The Haven’s educational programs?  Visit our Giving page to find out how you can help provide educational materials.