Congratulations to Miss Tiffany Dantzler – The Haven of Grace’s Employee of the Month!

We are thrilled to honor Tiffany Dantzler, Program and Compliance Director as our Employee of the Month!

The following interview was conducted by Tiffany’s 10-year-old daughter, Taylor.

Taylor:  What do you like most about The Haven of Grace?
Tiffany:  I have a chance to really impact the families we serve generationally.  Knowing that I play a part of something greater really gives me satisfaction.

Taylor:  Why did you pick The Haven of Grace?

Tiffany:  After I got my bachelor’s degree in industrial/organizational psychology, I sought an opportunity to do something I’d really love.  I did some research and learned about The Haven of Grace.  There was an opportunity and I thought, “I can do this!”  And, I’m excited about graduating with my MBA in June and putting it to good use with my work at The Haven!

Taylor:  What are your biggest challenges at The Haven of Grace?

Tiffany:  Getting close to the families at The Haven of Grace – the mothers and kiddos we guide in their journey that eventually exit.  I am confident about strengthening our 10-year Aftercare program and keeping them close by.  We want them ready to reenter the community as productive, contributing citizens. There’s a strong motivation for me to help our moms succeed in life, and for me to excel personally.

Taylor:  What do you like to do in your spare time?

Tiffany:  I like exercising – it helps me mentally and physically!  And I love having family days with you, daughter; and my partner!

Taylor:  Thank you, mom!  It was fun to interview you.  I look up to you as my role model!